Monday, December 2, 2013

One Month Old Yesterday!!

Our Little Claire turned a month old. I can't believe it has already been a month. She is really starting to grow. I am not sure how much she weighs right now but her little face is filling out more; however, I don't think she is any longer than she was at her 2 week doctors appointment. All of her little newborn onsies and sleepers still fit her the same length wise. Her dad loves that her little thighs are getting a little meat on them.

Lately she has been getting really bad baby acne. My sister was looking at it over Thanksgiving and said she was pretty sure that it looked more like an allergic reaction more so than baby acne. She was saying that her daughter had a similar reaction to any sort of perfume. I also did some reading on my own and found that it could be a peanut allergy. One of the symptoms to a peanut allergy in babies is wheezing. This is what made me read more about it. Since the first day we brought Claire home she has been wheezing a lot. Her doctor said it was normal in babies and would go away soon. It wasn't so when I read about a Mother's diet when nursing I realized her wheezing could be from an allergy. I eat a lot of peanut butter it makes for an easy and fast lunch. I decided  to stay away from anything with peanuts in it and Cameron has stopped wearing his cologne. It is amazing her skin is clearing up nicely, and she has stopped wheezing. However, now we don't know if it was the peanut butter or the cologne. I rather be safe than sorry, so no more peanut butter for me for a while.

 It is hard to tell in the pictures but even her one eye was starting to swell. Poor little thing.

 We took her to church for the first time last week and she did really well. I was afraid that a lot of people were going to ask to hold her, but no one did they just would look at her from a distance. We are excited for her upcoming blessing. We were thinking about having her blessed around Christmas time. I just realized there are only four more Sundays in December so we better make that decision soon. I love Sundays around our house. It is the only day out of the week that we get to have dad home all day. Well, almost all day sometimes he has church responsibilities that pull him away from time to time. Claire loves her daddy and they have lots of fun together. Cameron was trying to get her to reach out for her little doll. I love watching them together. These are some of my favorite pictures of them together so far.

I love seeing her in her cute little church outfits. 

He cuddles with her on Sunday Mornings so I can get ready for church. She curls right up into him.

She has her daddy's pout. 

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