Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Catching Up

I just realized that it has been so long since I updated our blog that I forgot what it was called. Time to get back on track.

We have had a busy semester and are glad it is over. Wayne has taken school off for the summer so we can have more family time and play time with friends. Claire loves having him home more often. She lights up when she sees him come through the door from work. He is working full time and on the side, and playing lots and lots and having fun helping others do summer projects. We need to start on our own now though. We hope to plant a garden this year, and start up a business, which has been an interesting experience trying to learn all this savvy new stuff.

Tiffanee Graduated with Honors with a bachelors, and is excited to focus more on Claire and learning new things. She has started a few sewing projects and is learning a little about website design.

Claire is a whirlwind of energy. She loves to move around and get into things. She can pull herself up now is standing a little on her own and crawling all over the place. She loves to smile for the camera in fact sometimes she shakes with excitement when we bring it out, which is so cute and makes for some blurry pictures, but that's alright.
Two Months old

Three Months old

Four Months old
At four and a half months Claire was sitting up on her own with no support. Tiffanee would find her in her bed just sitting there waiting for someone to come get her.
She also started to walk with help for her mom and dad. She loves to stand and smile and laugh lots.

Five Months old. 
She started to crawl, but would much rather walk with the help of mom and dad of course. She had her first solid food yams. It was the only one that Tiff was brave enough to try with her. Claire has a milk allergy and Tiff was afraid to introduce too much too soon. 

Six months old
It was almost impossible to get a good six month picture of her every time we sat her down she would lean forward and start to crawl. Most of her pictures at this age are blurry because she does not hold still for a second, so this is her a week before she was six months old. She is crawling all over the place and follows Tiff wherever she goes around the house. She also started to stand on her own this month without support. 

First Christmas

First Valentine's Day
Claire got Valentines for all of her cousins, but because of weather we couldn't get out and deliver all of them. 

 Claire and her Jumper
She absolutely loved her jumper until she started to get so excited that she hit her head on the wall. We decided to was time to put it away. 

She has now moved onto what we call her spaceship.

First Easter
She went to Nana and Papa's house for her very first Easter egg hunt with all of her cousins. This is her eating her Dad's Easter treat from Grandpa and Grandma Smiley. 

Super Happy faces

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wanting to be Big

Our little girl is almost three months old!  However, she wants to be much older.  She is becoming very dexterous; she is very good at grabbing Mom's hair, especially when it's wet, she even grabbed Dad's hair today too!  She has discovered the awesome world of shiny things, such as rings, glasses, and cell phones.  Claire isn't very happy when she's laying on her back, she much prefers to be sitting or standing up.  Sometimes when she stands up she'll even march her feet a couple of times, probably because she sees us walking all the time.  Perhaps we'll have to start crawling so she can know that that's what she is supposed to do. 

She's finally starting to eat more, usually about 4 ounces per feeding, so she's falling straight into our ploy of fattening her up!  She is also becoming self-aware.  Last night after Dad came home from work he started talking to Claire and called her by name.  She immediately turned towards Dad when her name was called!  She is becoming quite a little chatterbox herself, she is trying super hard to mimic her parents when they talk to her (Dad is still hoping that her first words will be in French). 

She is a super nosy little girl when she eats her head turns every which way so that she can see what is going on around her. When there are new people around she wants to see them. She even likes to check up on her dad to see what he is doing.